Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fellow Pumpkiners: How's Yours Goin?

Guess who's this is:

Actual email received with the photos:

Subject: dear clog. i know not blog, but down in my bog i found ......

…a pretty pimp’n yella fingy.

Note; very secret hiding spot complete with “wallaby Proof Fence” and “floppy top possum abatement system”.
Security provided by “cows with guns”.

Other security initiatives include;
“rat proof, pressure cooker compost system”,
“bird proof effort justification/ offset system (harvest garden for the missis)”,
“frost proof, glass enclosed jump starter system, (never used)”,
“free standing, sacrificial anode patch for the natives (still need to build jail around the raspberries).

Quiz question; what single piece of plant security system in the picture can be traced back to Vermont Rd and Uncle Chris. Hint; it is not in active service.

Dear little clog, I not know how to blog, causes my brain to chog, makes me sick as a dog.


  1. I do believe that is pete d (junior).
    The answer to the quiz question would have to be the white washing machine body in the first pic.

    Nice arrangement.... although, the photo of the pumpkin must have been taken a while ago as the pumkin is weeny.....

  2. weeny ha, had to use a fish eye lens for the foto. its the cows that are weeny, and it's actually a very large, double normal width sheet of roofing. The pumkin is actually in a hole.i do beleive i have the only pumpkin that is in 10th place in the competition, and 100% orgNIc SO BEAT THAT Mr genetically modified pumpkin on steriods. Everbody; "Rohans pumb=kin is purple" must be the speciL SCIENC MIX. but he did get the quiz question right.

  3. To be quite honest it is not a bad looking pumpkin......
    However pete or deb,you claim that your pumpkin is 100% organic!!! i would like to see the certification for that claim, otherwise that kind of claim can be miss leading.
    I have adopted 100% Organic GM, just sound scientific techniques......

  4. I think boogs is all talk.. Has anyone ever actually seen his pumpkin?

  5. classic stuff. mine has no pumpkin flower yet even. (was planted mid jan though.) better late than never.
